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About Me


Hello! I'm Isobelle Smith, a practising illustrator studying my Master's in Fine Art along the beautiful coastline of Aberystwyth. I grew up in South Yorkshire but have always been drawn to the coast for my love of fossil hunting and beach combing. 


I love learning about the natural world, particularly different wildlife species as I find their behaviours intriguing. This passion for wildlife flows into my illustration work through watercolours and coloured pencils and my aim is to bring joy and wonder through my artwork. I want to inspire people to learn about the wildlife around them so that people are aware of the impact we have on the natural world today. Working towards co-existing alongside wildlife rather than just cutting it off. I use my artwork to celebrate the animals around us but also can’t help but feel I must raise awareness for there decreasing populations.


For a long time, my dream has been to become a professional artist and I’ve naturally found myself professionalising in illustration. This has given me the opportunity to produce my own wildlife books based towards children. Butterflies of the UK and Creatures of the Sea. The second was my final exhibition piece for my BA inspired by exploring the local rockpools for colourful sea anemones and compass jellyfish. I find myself drawn to illustrating the natural world but also incidentally teaching the people around me about the wildlife in my paintings so I believe my work is well suited to book illustration and would like to continue this in the future. Though I also recognise that if I want to make a positive impact on the natural world through my illustrations I will need to reach a wider audience which I have started working on in my blog.


For the moment I’m pushing myself to develop my own recognisable style and build up my portfolio in preparation to becoming a freelance illustrator in the future. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my wildlife illustrations and feel free to get in contact if you have any questions. 

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